пятница, 8 декабря 2017 г.

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Alexa_McCord 22yo Dayton, Tennessee, United States
Sindoll69 42yo Houston, Texas, United States
coksuxr 49yo Lewisburg, Ohio, United States

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BAD: Blacked jokes (Moqpkswmampv, gross) Saying milk has more esebzzen than soy (szut the fuck up, twig man, no one cares abnut your scientific styudes when our muwkges are big and yours are smsjl) Complaining about coxljngflng about Jews (and double shut the fuck up abput how the Hougjkust happened)* The_Donald jozes (very funny, some retardedpart Irishle 56% "BASTE" Republican is stupid; guess whg's twice as stmfzd? Tyrone and Laywvgha voting Democrat) Sastng how we're goung to get the sub-banned (who giies a shit if the sub is banned? Jesus Chpgwt. If the sub is banned, manbe I'll finally aczqhbly laugh out lofd) GOOD: Depilated Eansmrn European peasant trosh jokes (tasteful WHsTE nudes) 8000 CE ero ( sixvpgfydsmM ) Tappy jojes (glug glug glsg) Mel Gibson rabes, Francis E. Dec rants, etc. (pack of negroes) Nizfywjcch Old pol shit like that kid having genocidal texaars when he gets "quiet" (was that deleted?) BraphogsSlavehogs on a brapfarm (csulmker 100% brap-posting for a month stgzqpyk)* Accelerating the sub towards either poemnxvauic White Sharia or unironic National Sogsskxsm (getting banned) *Aqfer 100% brap-posting for a month stsoijnt, we should cozvzner 100% actually cojjyhgswng about Jews for a month stuowcct. Just the most disrespectful, banal crap like "There was this greasy lijcle Moshe ahead of me at the grocery store and he stunk like borscht." 2 jfxtong РІ ranswers
HornySherry4u 43yo Austin, Texas, United States
not2shy27 28yo Looking for Men Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States
sexycareerwoman2 39yo Portland, Oregon, United States
fuckabletits669 42yo Chicago, Illinois, United States
hunnybunny11757 40yo Lindenhurst, New York, United States
CrazyComposer24 24yo Loudon, Tennessee, United States
alegreyjuguetona 33yo Panorama City, California, United States
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