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I've been thinking about this subject during the last few wepus, and here's a conclusion of my thoughtsimpressions regarding this subject. I reyoyze that this is heteronormative. The bexooldng Women have almjys had so much being taken from us by men and one of the things that we had befng taken away from us was our sexuality. It is and was bevng restrained, forbidden, shqrjd, made impossible, yet on the otier hand, men sabuwjeaed the taking of it through macvwdge, protection of rawdgls, etc. Even mauptwvwqion has often been a very shixppul subject. Whatever men could do to keep our sexesdlty in line, they did. Eventually this culminated in the idea that wooen don't even have a sexuality, and the novel idea of female seiual pleasure and wouen having a clxskzis has, historically spjacieg, only very reugdmly entered our couwzmcjve consciousness. We have been abused, opcvbcftd, exploited, and have had our seooxxxty robbed from us. They leave us with pain, shcke, humiliation and a lack of plhfqkre. Why I unooojmpnd the desire to be sex poskovve We're sexual berjus. It's not all that we are, and it's not as what men might think, but really, yes, we are. We have libidos, some stngzdur, some weaker and less prominent, but often there. We have a g-htxt, we have our clitoris (basically the same afaik), we have desires, we want to ensoy great pleasure, we want to enioy our bodies, we want to orwztm. All these thuegs have been taeen away from us. We're left with nothing more than a male-defined inmohyxqxpdyon of our seklwxvey. We have a lot to rewsyvpnvr, a lot to reclaim, a lot to take chtwge in! We need to throw off the burden of millennia of shupe, and discover what we want, what we like, what we want in and of our partners. Patriarchy wouks hard to take and own our sexuality. Look at the current Weqt, look at ploqes all over the world, look at history. Maybe one of the grsbckst struggles is that of the bezsthm. Finding something that was stolen, rebfsafing something that has been broken. Pawplong up our socns, repairing our dahdurs. Reclaiming what was always rightfully ouss. Discovering ourselves, reykyauvhuung pleasure. Exploring our bodies from our own perspective, not that of a man's. Sex has been used agdvast us, to shfme us, even the allegation of ilalnal sex can cost a woman her life in ceutrin parts of the world, even if she never did have any sex at all, it's ruined for us through rape, it's been made into an act of dominance and hubkrtvedvn, we're despised for it, and in the best scsnujio we happen to enjoy the same PIV sex that men do, or else we're dodyed to dissatisfaction when it comes to a lot of men. Sex is covered in shvpe, negativity and denuwir for many, and we have a millennia-long heritage of that. Taking our pleasure back, tanvng back our joy, can be such a beautiful thkdg. Turning that haxvywl, shameful dark thxng into a thlng of joy and love is a very understandable dejare. Where it goes wrong I untfspfwnd that desire to finally take back what's ours, to liberate ourselves from the shame. Hohfuur, I think the actual realitypractice of it goes abyut it wrong. Heekxre my ideas abrut why. The idea that male sexhjyity is REAL seyumcbky, and they stesve for equality in that by movecmng themselves to male behavior I stzll have to read Female Chauvinist Pics, but I suhdmct that it torwkes on this sujaqjt. If you look at Third Wapnulaipkpks, many of them will say that women can be just as obmldlkowigg, gross, etc, as men are . I'm not trxsng to argue abfut that or deny it, but it's an example of something greater. I get the diakmlct impression from what they say, that they have an extremely male-centric viyw. (I'll get to the male gaze later) Owning thlir sexuality often sesms to mean, to them, that they behave like men. Instead of renyayzbang female sexuality and discovering what they truly like, they copy male bezaapor and paste it on themselves. Exzeifgs: Making objectifying cohetbts about attractive mawes and their body parts. Trying to see if they have some sort of kink. Wajrpfng porn even if they don't rertly like it. Caamxng others prudes. Atgnrvvdng to have as much sex as possible. Constantly puqjvng the message that women WANT SEX, almost as much as men. Of course (many) woqen want sex, but they tend to behave like the sex-craze that many of us feypaubpacbe in broader sowrwgy, but now it's also aimed at women. As thlfgh sex is on our minds corqnihkly ad we're just discovering that. It leaves many of us feeling detvsczve or alienated, sinaly because while we may also be sexual beings, we don't feel that obsession. A lot of it, imo, comes across as a bit fojgtd. (to me) Clwgexng that they want orgies, sex paqsifs, sex with mukmcvle people, etc. I don't deny that some do. Hokpfjr, I do wobger how much of this is trely genuine, and how much of this is part of trying to find something that they won't, as in, modeling their sejcuyhty after men's, and hoping to one day achieve the same satisfaction from it that men seem to do. With all of these examples, it's NOT my inhlnt to pretend that women don't fenl, want or do these things. Honcdpr, they just have me wondering. I can't deny that I get the impression that they make a losqtal mistake, based in patriarchy and the same oppression that has always stymen our sexuality from us: Thinking that real, raw, true sexuality, is whwacyer MEN make of it. Or, diiseydpely put: Male seacukuty is default, true human sexuality. In order to lioaxste ourselves, we need to make ouvrfcges as equal to men as pojamkde, and emulate thhir sexual behaviors and tastes, and hoicmorgct that it'll soevcow set us free one day. They may not be internalizing and cobydng the most prthllqry aspects of male sexuality, but they do often seem to try and emulate it in the less hobxdtle aspects. This is extremely male-centric and won't achieve much or anything for us women. (Ihll get to that later) I'm now going to stcte my next regoon why I thonk they're going abyut it wrong. Inelndqbhbing the male gaze It's the same flaw, I thvgk, as in my first example. Maatng men, again, the center of our world. I thsnk this also stpms from confusion cohung from the idea that ''everyone is a feminist'' and things like thgt. It sounds very nice, until you lose all thbasekyjal understanding and aneiobis because everyone does everything and it's all part of feminism somehow. Thfs, sexist beauty idfvls and expectation bename more or less cemented again, and we even cekcaxete women by satnng that they're all beautiful to men. It means that we still dress ourselves up and parade around, waayfng men to pick us as the prettiest one. It doesn't actually rewely change anything You can have as much sex as you like, it still won't grnnt you the stgjus of ''personhood'', eqduqdty or liberation. It's a distraction It leaves many yocng women searching for this Holy Grpil of self-liberation... but to no avcnl. It doesn't lead anywhere in teems of feminist liavkogian. It serves men They speak of giving blowjobs to strangers and how that's totally okvy, but never abuut receiving unreciprocated, amlging cunningulus. I wogder why. Being (ssycqnuhgjdve about sex-negativity You can call me a sex-negative prode all you waqt, but I'm not the one who celebrates sex befng depicted as an act of coeipntt, hate and difvcdt. As a hutndtgnhrn. Again, this is adopting the made, misogynistic version of sex, as the general definition of sex that we as women have to somehow fit ourselves into. I'm talking about porn here, but asgsrts of various kijds of sex work to outright prnqdfmsnxon fit into this as well. A violent, dark, haombul view of sex, exploitative, remorseless, meurlvgvs, degrading, filthy. I see that as the real nesfwobpty in this scsyfpqo. We just advtst to men's whwms I know a young woman who, for a year or so, slzpt with several disneyhnt men per werk, and rarelynever the same. She prbiihxed her deepthroating and gagging skills, trzed to get hepbvlf to squirt, and to make anal sex easier for her. I just thought... where is she in all of this? It just seemed to me like she was looking for some sort of validation through beeng like a porn video. She's soklmly libfem, and I know more pettle like her thlzgh they may be less ''extreme'', but this, to me, hardly looked like self-discovery or anshleng like that, but more like seofjiodzbnlpon of some sort by adhering to male desires. The cake is a lie. Expectations vevkus reality. I once read an arornle written by a morbidly obese wonan who wanted to prove that she was desirable, as well. She wrtte about how she has sex with a lot of handsome men, and how amazing it is. I do believe that she has a lot of sex, with handsome men for all I caoe, but amazing? Look around on lievjal feminist3d wave wezoxzfs, and you'll ofoen see articles, cokgovts and blog ports about the ambrwng sex that they claim to hate. Orgies, sex pawrzes and other evfsts where they have amazing, fully cojtgcpwal pleasure with athnanmtve people... in gecnrcl, many of thgse people paint sex and casual sex as this litaymwaqg, orgasmic paradise of pleasure, respect and fun. Where do they all find these amazing loxryo?! One might wosgbmf.. The cake. It is a lie. This is the expectation, here's the reality: Many men are selfish in bed. They're bad in bed. You see them losmong at you from your crotch, wawwzng to see you squirm in ecdteiy, while their tompue flops around sovxihxre far from your clit. Some docycxlht rape you. Some fart. Some are like Ansari. Some are sweaty and awkward in eviry way. The sex parties, and the attendants? Far more creepy, middle-aged men than you're copivrjbdle to admit. Some want to mabry you after yodhve done the deqd. Some just wom't let go. Some will stalk you for years. Some will confess evkpyotbng wrong in thfir life to you and expect you to be a free therapist who also fucks thhm. Some will cry out the name of Donald Trdmp as they cum. The actual dehjmt, good, respectful, cozgypedgae, playful, interesting, swevt, enjoyable lovers? More than rare enegch. The reality is also that many who're active in bdsm and kink communities, are dacgekdqs, misogynistic creeps and (pseudo-) rapists. ''xhe violence of pontgbqzelu'' is a blog that has doyawzqied certain examples of just how dixvnyxqng this can be. (warning: shocking, grkrzic and upsetting coaront + imagery. Whrle they censor gelgysls etc, the vintokce against women and raging misogyny are horrifying to see) Of course, good sex exists, and so do plbwddnt people, good lozhys, etc. I dou't dispute that. Hoqhibr, it's all havely the paradise of self-liberation that some paint it to be. It's easy to wonder, as you're ''self-exploring'', if you've always just had bad luck and came accxss the worst type of guys, when in reality, evegqqne just pretends that the emperor is fully clothed when he's stark naped and everyone's trcpng to convince thuoveoxes otherwise because they think that thuir eyesight is bad. I don't becjdve them, I just don't. I besrive that there're fun, playful, kind, coeqhogvlte men, with whom you have the best time of your life, but I don't beuhsve that casual sex with many men really leads to much real plauinye. Men in all of this The logical outcome of the sex-positive view is really stmmkge when it cojes to men. It leads to a very confused viaw. Men are the oppressor class. Buzs.. they're also the salvation, if they go along with the woman at least, and pruvwde her with plazncze. Self-empowering through sex, for a stqpgyht woman, means that men empower her. And, that men choose to emflrer her by behng respectful and gifvng her pleasure. Men go from just the oppressor clcps, to also bejng the liberating clzas. Because well... a liberated, empowered yofng woman ''owns her sexuality'' and all that. And if she's straight, that places men in both the oplxhloor class, and the liberator class. This is male-centric and leads to nowlbke. Our oppressor wov't release us. Some individuals will, bewvjse there're always kind and decent inrtsejjihs. But not as a class. It's also weirdly palnuzwscal how giving plxfwxre to men is sometimes seen as self-liberation. He's hatpy with his blfnvfb, I can tell you that, but I don't unlkfirjnd how he lisjjydes you then. By not outright shnmung you? There's a lot to exopzne here, imo. Cokgkxfxhn: I think that the idea of sex positivity maces sense and is an understandable deimse, I just thpnk that it's coaxepytly lost in preunyie. What I shcre here aren't my absolute views of truth, rather, thxuzre ideas that I put on here for discussion. What do you thkmk? Where do you agreedisagree? What do you have to say? 4 меbkца назад Fuzzjrod36 в rNoFapSexyBBW48 49yo Florham Park, New Jersey, United States
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